Linden Lodge #637 is a Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Ohio. For information about upcoming events click on the Home and News link at the top of this page. We welcome you to learn more about our Lodge and Freemasonry in general by using the tabs at the top of this page to visit our website. On these pages you can see who we are, what we are doing, when we meet and learn more about how to become a member of our Fraternity.

Linden Lodge # 637 holds Stated Meetings on the first Thursday of each month at the Northwest Masonic Temple, 2436 W Dublin-Granville Rd, Columbus, Ohio 43235. Our Lodge is Dark during the months of July and August so we have no meetings during those months. We may however have a few special events during the summer so check our news page to see what we are doing. All of our Stated Meetings are held at 7:30PM. We normally have a meal prior to our Stated Meetings at 6:37pm.  These meals are open to our friends and potential Brethren as well as our Brothers from other Lodges.  Please remember to invite individuals for a meal and great fellowship.


Linden Lodge Meetings


Stated Meeting

Linden Lodge's next stated meeting will be

Thursday, September 5, 2024 at 7:30 PM.

This will be preceded with dinner at 6:37 PM.

We will be performing the Entered Apprentice Degree.


Special Meetings

Thursday, September 5, 2024 7:00 PM

Examinations in the EA or FC Degrees if needed


Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM

To conduct the Master Mason Degree


Registering for Your Grand View Portal

All that is needed is a connection to the Internet and your dues card in your hand!

Go to and click on “Member Portal” in the upper right corner.

On the right side below “Member Center” click on “visit our blog” for step-by-step instructions to create an account.


Other Masonic News

Friday, October  18 - Saturday, October 19, 2024
Grand Lodge of Ohio 215th Annual Communication
Dayton Masonic Center
Information concerning events, meals, and lodging will soon be available from the registration web site,
Hotel reservations, meal tickets and Grand Lodge schedule information will be found at the web site starting July 1st.

14th District Ashler Newsletter
To find what is happening in the 14th District look in their newsletter "The Ashler"
You can fid it HERE.

Grand Lodge of Ohio
You can find out what is heppening around Ohio using these resources:

Facebook     Twitter     Linked-In

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Do you know someone that would make a good Mason?

Talk to them and bring them along.

Click HERE if you need a petition.

Addresses and phone numbers change, and the simple petition process does not cover all of the information we strive to keep record of, such as your wife’s name, cell phone number, and military service.
Did you know that the membership database for the Grand Lodge of Ohio, Grandview, offers brethren the ability to manage their own contact information, access resources, and pay dues online (depending on Lodge setup).
The registration process is incredibly easy and takes less than 5 minutes. All brethren are strongly encouraged to register their member profile by logging in once and verifying or correcting the accuracy of the
contact information that your lodge secretary has on file for you.

Step 1. Navigate to
Step 2. Click on Member Portal
Step 3. Click on Member Registration
Step 4. Enter your Lodge Number
Step 5. Enter your Member ID
Step 6. Enter your Last Name - (case sensitive)
Step 7. Click on Check Membership Status
Step 8. Enter your email address
Step 9. Enter a password that you can remember (password must contain at
least 8 characters)
Step 10. Enter Confirmation by entering password again
Step 11. Click on Submit

Have You Paid Your Dues?
While most of our members pay their dues on time every year there are a few who do not. It is important that your dues are paid every year to maintain your status as a Mason. If you haven't pay your dues and the Lodge carries you on the roster waiting for you to pay, we still have to send money to the Grand Lodge to cover you as a Mason. Making the other members cover your membership is not fair to your Brothers in the Lodge. You should have received a dues notice invoice, if you can't find yours contact RWB Ron Leonard and he will tell you what you need to pay and how to pay it. Please help your Lodge and Brothers by  paying on time.

Did you know you can pay your dues online?

Just go to your portal on Grandview and click on the "Pay Dues" button on your Portal page.

Endowed Membership
How would you like to never have to pay your Lodge dues again? Sign up for an Endowed membership and that can happen. When you have an Endowed Membership the Lodge will receive a yearly payment from the Grand Lodge to cover your membership. The current cost is just $800.00 which can be paid up front or over a five year period at $160.00 per year (plus your yearly dues each year until fully paid). After you have made your total endowment you will just need to make one final dues payment to cover you for the rest of your life. Since you will have an endowment, the Lodge will receive payments for you forever, even beyond your passing away. Talk to your Lodge Secretary about it soon and get in before they have a chance to increase the cost for this great program. Do it now and leave a legacy for Linden Lodge!

Contact Us
You can contact us in several ways.

Mail or visit us at the Northwest Masonic Temple, Linden Lodge 637, 2436 W Dublin-Granville Rd, Linworth, Ohio 43235
Call us at 614 799-9637 and leave a message. We will get back to you.
Email us at

You can visit us prior to any of our meetings listed on the CALENDAR page.
Please come and join us for one of our Fellowship Dinners which are held prior to any meeting.